Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Be gentle, i'm new to this

I can't remember how long ago I first heard the term' blogging', but to be honest I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard of. I mean really, it was never going anywhere. Mistake number one.

Then I heard about 'tweeting'. Who cares what you're doing right now? Well, apparently millions of people do - mistake number two.

So now, having learnt my lessons here and having decided not to become a trends analyst, I am writing my first ever blog. So why is that? Well, to be honest, it's for several reasons.

First, I have to because I am in communications and PR, so this wonderful world of social media is new and terrifying but it is also the way forward. So I love the challenge.

Second, I may be an aspiring writer, merely waiting to aspire. I have no shortage of stories having led a colourful life and taking each day as though its my last. So I figured daily or near daily updates may be a good way to go. So I created my fist ever blog. Ta da! Oh, and the name barefoot bushman, this is what I was called when I was working as a guide in Southern Africa - and I loved the tag.

I don't know how to get people to read this blog, what to write about and probably will forget my password within a week, but so what, i'm giving it a go.

I guess I will write about my observations, as a former journalist I do like to keep an eye on what is going on around me. And i'll probably write about my interests and passions which include travel, photography and the great outdoors. There will definitely be endorsements of locations, products and people I have met and approve of, equally so will there be a cutting down of those I don't. I will always welcome constructive feedback, but probably delete those I am not so keen on ; ) Such is the priviledge of the administrator.

So this, I guess, is just my introduction to you. I hope at least one person reads something I write one day, and if I can amuse, entertain, educate or persuade someone - then I will consider my job done.

Oh, and please excuse typos. It is not that I can't spell, it is simply that I can't type...

Looking forward to 'blogging'

Yours aye,

Barefoot Bushman


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I spluttered in my coffee for a moment there as I read you describing yourself as an 'inspiring writer'.. before realising you had actually written 'aspiring writer' - much more appropriate! :)

    I've been considering starting a blog for a while now, maybe you will inspire me!

    I'll read your blogs with interest...

